3rd Geneva Jean Monnet Doctoral Workshop — Call for Papers: « The EU as a global actor in... », 6-7 Iuly 2017, University of Geneva
The Centre d’études juridiques européennes of the University of Geneva, Jean Monnet Centre
of excellence, organises a Doctoral Workshop, under the direction of Prof. Christine Kaddous,
on the topic << The EU as a global actor in...».
The goal of the Workshop is to evaluate the role of the EU as a global actor in various areas,
which explains the open-ended wording of the topic i.e. “The EU as a global actor in...”. In
View of attaining this goal, and depending on the research interests of the selected participants,
several issues will be raised. These issues comprise, without limitation, the EU’s powers in the
areas covered by the EU’s external action; the convergence, divergence and mutual influence
between its objectives and the objectives and strategic priorities of international organizations
and bodies; the efficiency ofthe EU’s political, diplomatic, legal and institutional means in the
stated areas. The selected participants will be encouraged to present their views on the content,
the meaning and the importance that should be given to the EU’s capacity of ‘global actor’.
The term ‘global’ refers to multilateralism and international governance. It is therefore
necessary to examine the governing principles, objectives and strategic priorities of the EU’s
external action in line with those of other international organizations and bodies. In particular,
the following questions arise: to what extent does the EU influence the policies of the said
organizations and bodies? To what extent do global developments, oflaw and/or offact, impact
the setting out ofthe strategic priorities ofthe EU’s external action? Does the vertical separation
ofpowers in the EU allow for a unified and efficient external action? Which institutional means
are available to the EU in view of assuring its unified representation and effective participation
in international organizations and bodies? Is the EU capable of promoting and maintaining
coherence in its external action?
These and other questions may be raised in areas such as international trade, international
cooperation and development assistance, environment, health, intellectual property, research
and development, security and defence.
The term ‘global’ also refers to the EU’s bilateral or multilateral relations which are affected
by global situations. The refugee crisis provides an example on this point, in so far as it raised
issues linked to the development of the EU’s bilateral relations with third countries, namely
Turkey. Circumstances of fact having triggered global responses raise the issue of the steps
taken by the EU, namely in the field of the neighbourhood and enlargement policy, as well as
in the field of humanitarian aid.
The term ‘actor’ refers to the weight of the EU on a global scale. Although, by virtue of Art.
21 TEU, the EU “shall promote multilateral solutions to common problems”, its contribution
to the resolution of ‘common problems’ is variable. Studies relative to the EU’s negotiation
power and capacity to promote its principles and values, both in bilateral and multilateral
relations, allow for the distinguishing between areas in which the EU’s external action is fully
efficient, from areas in which the said action can be further reinforced or unified.
The selected speakers will be encouraged to present their views on the substantial and
institutional aspects of the EU’s external action, on the convergence and possible divergence
between the goals pursued by the EU and those pursued by other international organizations
and bodies. They will, moreover, be expected to analyze the main issues linked to the political,
economic, diplomatic and/or institutional aspects of the EU’s external action, namely in the
following areas:
I. International Trade
II. Intellectual Property
III. Neighborhood and Enlargement Policy
IV. International Cooperation and Development assistance
V. Health
VI. Humanitarian Aid
VII. Promotion of democratic values and principles
VIII. Research and Development
IX. Security and Defense
X. Environment (climate change, water protection…)
XI. Conflict Management
XII. Migration
XIII. Consumer Protection
Conditions for submission
The Centre d’études juridiques européennes of the University of Geneva is pleased to welcome
PhD students and young scholars to the Workshop, which will be attended by Professors and
practitioners active in the relevant fields .
Interested PhD students and young scholars should submit Proposal summaries, in
English only, of 3000 characters (approximately one page). The points raised under
‘Background’ (supra) should provide guidance on the content of the submissions.
The said Proposals, accompanied by detailed CVs and motivation letters should be submitted
to Ljupcho Grozdanovski (person of contact) no later than 27 March 2017 to the following
email address: ceje@unige.ch.
Selection process
A Panel of University Professors will review the submitted proposals. A final selection will be
made in April 2017.
Confirmed participants are expected to provide complete drafts of their papers, of between
30’000 - 60’000 characters, in electronic form, no later than 20 June 2017.
The final drafts of the papers will be submitted no later than 30 September 2017 in view of
their publication in the « Geneva Jean Monnet Working Papers », available in open access on
the website of the Centre d’études juridiques européennes.
Course of the Doctoral Workshop
The Workshop will take place on 6-7 July 2017 in the premises of the University of Geneva.
The confirmed participants will first make presentations, in English, of their submissions which
will then be discussed by the Professors and practitioners attending the Workshop.
Organization and coverage of costs
The Centre d’études juridiques européennes will cover the travel costs (up to a maximum of
CHF 275.-) and the meals for the selected participants. Accommodation costs in Geneva
(approximately CHF 110.- to 160.- for one night) will be taken in charge either by the
participants or by the Universities or Research Centres or Institutes to which they are affiliated.
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